Development Environment Setup
Windows Subsystem for Linux - Ubuntu
The frontend development environment utilizes Ubuntu running on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
The following instructions are for setting up the development environment on Windows.
Install Guide:
Install Ubuntu:
Install Ubuntu from the Microsoft Store. Recommended version: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
DO NOT use the root user for development. There are known issues with rust and cargo when using the root user.
Install Rust & Cargo:
curl -sSf | sh
Reload .basrc:
source ~/.bashrc
Install WebAssembly Target:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Install Trunk:
cargo install --locked trunk
Install libmysqlclient-dev (for linux & WSL):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libmysqlclient-dev
Install diesel_cli (optional for frontend work, but recommended - for database migrations):
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features mysql
Install opensll:
sudo apt install openssl
sudo apt install libssl-dev
Install pkg-config:
sudo apt install pkg-config
WSL & VSCode Setup Guide:
Install Vscode on Windows (in a elevated windows shell):
winget source update
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
Install VSCode Server on WSL (in a Ubuntu-WSL shell):
Clone The Repository:
git clone <url> <directory_name>
Open VSCode From WSL:
For the best intellisense experience, open VSCode from the project directory you wish to work on.
For the frontend, navigate into either the studentpage or adminpage directory.
Then run the following command:
code .
click yes to install WSL extension(s)
Install The Following Extensions:
Rust Extension Pack
Rust Syntax
Rust Doc Viewer
Better TOML
Auto Close Tag
Auto Rename Tag
a theme that works well with rust, ayu mirage