1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
// use chrono::prelude::*;
use common::models::status_report;
use diesel::{QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl};
// use std::fmt::Error;
// use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use log::info;
use crate::repository::db::establish_connection;
use crate::repository::models;
pub struct Database {}
impl Database {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Database {}
/*all update section*/
/// Updates the team report table with the given TeamReport struct.
pub fn update_team_report(&self, team_in: status_report::TeamReport) {
// This links to the team_reports model.
use crate::repository::schema::team_reports::dsl::*;
// This is the TeamReport model from database\repository\models\
let team_update = models::TeamReport {
// Here we take in the data from the team_in
// and give it to the same variables in TeamReport
// the reason for the teams.clone is that it will
// used in the filter and burrowing rules apply.
teams: team_in.teams.clone(),
sprint_num: team_in.sprint_num,
understand_easiest: team_in.understand_easiest,
understand_hardest: team_in.understand_hardest,
approach_easiest: team_in.approach_easiest,
approach_hardest: team_in.approach_hardest,
solve_easiest: team_in.solve_easiest,
solve_hardest: team_in.solve_hardest,
evaluate_easiest: team_in.evaluate_easiest,
evaluate_hardest: team_in.evaluate_hardest,
completion: team_in.completion,
contact: team_in.contact,
comments: team_in.comments,
/// Setup connection to the database.
let connection = &mut establish_connection();
/// Creates the update_row to be passed to diesel.
let updated_row = diesel::update(team_reports.find((team_in.teams, team_in.sprint_num)))
// This is a filter/search for in the database
// Once the right user has been selected it pass these values
// Error handling
.expect("Error in db_connector update_team_report");
// this is for debugging features
info!("Updated {} rows", updated_row);
// TODO Below needs to be debugged, but it whats need to connect to the the database to the backend
// /// Updates the users table with the given User struct.
// pub fn update_users(&self, user_in: status_report::User) {
// /// This helps pull the user in diesel SQL link
// use crate::repository::schema::users::dsl::*;
// /// This is the User model from database\repository\models\
// let user_update = models::User {
// /// here we take in the data from the user_in
// /// and give it to the same variables in User
// /// the reason for the email.clone is that it will
// /// used in the filter and burrowing rules apply
// email: user_in.email.clone(),
// ouath_id: user_in.ouath_id,
// is_teacher: user_in.is_teacher,
// is_student: user_in.is_student,
// is_admin: user_in.is_admin,
// teams: user_in.teams,
// class: user_in.class,
// first_name: user_in.first_name,
// last_name: user_in.last_name,
// };
// /// makes connection to be used to talk to the database.
// let connection = &mut establish_connection();
// /// this creates the update_row to be passed to diesel
// let updated_row = diesel::update(
// /// this is a filter/search for in the database
// users.find(user_in.email))
// ///once the right user has been selected it pass these values
// .set(&user_update)
// /// where to excute the command
// .execute(connection)
// ///if the resultif the command fails
// .expect("Error in db_connector update_user");
// ///this is for debugging features
// info!("Updated {} rows", updated_row);
// }
// /// Updates the IndividualReport table with the given IndividualReport struct.
// pub fn update_individual_report(&self, individual_in: status_report::IndividualReport) {
// use crate::repository::schema::individual_reports::dsl::*;
// let individual_update = models::IndividualReport {
// email: individual_in.email.clone(),
// sprint_num: individual_in.sprint_num,
// monday_time: individual_in.monday_time,
// tuesday_time: individual_in.tuesday_time,
// wednesday_time: individual_in.wednesday_time,
// thursday_time: individual_in.thursday_time,
// friday_time: individual_in.friday_time,
// saturday_time: individual_in.saturday_time,
// sunday_time: individual_in.sunday_time,
// discrepancy: individual_in.discrepancy,
// request: individual_in.request,
// };
// let connection = &mut establish_connection();
// let updated_row = diesel::update(
// individual_reports.find((individual_in.email, individual_in.sprint_num)),
// )
// .set(&individual_update)
// .execute(connection)
// .expect("Error in db_connector update_individual_report");
// info!("Updated {} rows", updated_row);
// }
// /// Updates the Requirement table with the given Requirement struct.
// pub fn update_requirement(&self, requirement_in: status_report::Requirement) {
// use crate::repository::schema::requirements::dsl::*;
// let requirement_update = models::Requirement {
// teams: requirement_in.teams.clone(),
// indexs: requirement_in.indexs,
// description: requirement_in.description,
// };
// let connection = &mut establish_connection();
// let updated_row =
// diesel::update(requirements.find((requirement_in.teams, requirement_in.indexs)))
// .set(&requirement_update)
// .execute(connection)
// .expect("Error in db_connector update_requirement");
// info!("Updated {} rows", updated_row);
// }
// /// Insert the sprint_num_dates table with the given NewSprint struct.
// pub fn new_sprint_num_date(&self, sprint_new: status_report::NewSprint) {
// use crate::repository::schema::sprint_num_dates::dsl::*;
// let sprint_create = models::NewSprint
// {
// sprint_num: sprint_new.sprint_num,
// sprint_date: sprint_new.sprint_date,
// };
// let connection = &mut establish_connection();
// diesel::insert_into(sprint_num_dates)
// .values(&sprint_create)
// .execute(connection)
// .expect("Error in db_connector new_sprint_num_date");
// }
impl Default for Database {
fn default() -> Self {