Android Play Store
Not avable yet
Not done yet
Android APK
Not done yet
This is the devement apk Download APK File(Android App)
Node Server
Not done yet
The server code is at -
Source Code
Not done yet for any of the top 4 and web
I upload my code to github at -
Orignal old Android APK and Source Code
This is the oringal app Download APK File(Android App)
This is the Srource Code Download aia File(MIT App Inventor 2)
Why I stop working on this verson of the app is becase web browser(at the time) and I struggle to work with the code(slow computer crash offen, geting to the code I need to change and I diden't even know that there was a comment), also the server always had problems. So I took a break from this verson to other projects, I want to use the skills I learned from the projects to work on but with more of what my mom and I oringaly planed.